Here and Now

After months of simply imagining it could happen, we seem to have settled into a daily rhythm. We’re in a tiny sweet spot when things run smoothly, as smoothly as the rattling emotional roller coaster that is life with a three year old and five month old.
Amos is learning and reaching so many new things. He is fast and steady on his balance bike but also capable of loud and dramatic melt downs. He refuses to help just as often as he eagerly pulls his chair up to the counter so he can mix, chop, or wash. When he is at his best: engaged, excited, curious, competent he often asks, “Can I give you a hug?” I try to stop what I am doing immediately at this request. I don’t respond to everything so patiently or generously. But here we are, still learning, still trying to figure it all out, but appreciating what is here and now.


These days, rest time is actually happening, thanks to Sparkle Stories which keeps Amos in his room for about an hour after lunch. After rest time, we do a project. I loosely participated in Tinker Lab’s Art Start Challenge which gave me some new ideas for process based art. After a couple of days Amos ended rest time by asking for a project. It has helped to give our days a stronger more consistent rhythm and makes a nice transition from rest time to play time. Although I hope he will soon be more self motivated in his creativity, we usually do the project together, which is fun for me, too. Some of his favorites are watercolor crayons, painting with balls, and mono prints.
Eowyn thinks Amos is the best and funniest thing in existence. I ask her where he is and she looks around until she sees him. Often she starts giggling at the sight of him and whatever silly or annoying thing he does. Thankfully, Amos is now finding greater delight in playing with his sister than he does in hitting her. I am appreciating this lull before she is mobile and we have new levels of sharing and playing together to negotiate.



  1. susan

    October 24, 2016 at 6:03 pm

    I applaud your patience. Having an active 3 year old and a baby must surely fill every minute of your day. And, you still manage to find time to do project after rest time everyday! What a wonderful mom you are.

  2. Anna

    October 24, 2016 at 8:16 pm

    Thank you! It is all a messy work in progress and I do the best I can, which is sometimes not that great 🙂

  3. Jess

    October 30, 2016 at 5:51 pm

    I love reading about your daily goings-on and seeing these pictures. I can imagine it all! You are raising some amazing kids, I know. xo

  4. Anna

    October 31, 2016 at 7:27 pm

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  5. Emily

    November 5, 2016 at 11:24 am

    What a lovely glimpse into a day in the life of your family. It sounds so challenging and rewarding!

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