Apple Coffee Cake

I didn’t mean to abandon this space for so long. I have been busy with my e-course (the first session just ended, I’m getting ready to regroup and make it even better for next time), finishing the 2014 Calendar, working on some custom orders, and […]

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Because it is Fun

I’ve never actually eaten a pop tart. The trademarked toaster pastries that come packaged in shiny foil always looked dry and unappealing, but since I haven’t eaten one I can’t really say how good they are. While I may not have any interest in the […]

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Almond Flour Donuts

Despite the importance of friendships, it is always hard, getting older, to know how to hold friends close and when let go. Friends are scattered across the country and the world. Some I know will always be part of my life and others may be […]

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Hard to Resist

One of the things I enjoy about working from home is the occasional blurring of lines between what I might consider work and what is more geared toward home “work.” Sometimes I feel like my kitchen is a laboratory with various projects underway. While I […]

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Orange Ricotta Cake

The list of recipes that I’ve shared on this blog includes quite a few simple cakes. I don’t think I make them very often until I look at my list of recipes and realize there are cakes with applesauce, beets, zucchini and buttermilk. Not to […]

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Again and Again

There are the days when I tiptoe past the the sink full of dishes and try to ignore it as it grows into a pile, when a nap is somewhere between irresistible and imperative, when I throw together what I can for meals. I have […]

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Apple Hand Pies

I know that this time of year things start to get busier. There is more pressure to create the perfect table and the perfect feast, be the perfect host and make everything the best. I love getting ready for holidays, but perfection is not something […]

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Spontaneous Sharing

  Perhaps it is obvious that someone who writes about food and making things enjoys sharing the things that she makes. Of course I enjoy sharing them here, but it isn’t often enough that I get to share them with people outside of my home […]

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Graham Crackers

  How do you choose recipes to make? Because of the gorgeous photo that makes your mouth water? Because it is new and different? Or maybe it is familiar, similar to something else that you enjoy? I am probably motivated by all of these reasons. […]

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